How far the emerald green thuja plants are from space at the time of planting

Yayınlanma: 27 August 2023 - 15:04

Understanding the optimal spacing and growth rate of Emerald Thujas is essential when it comes to growing a lush and vibrant landscape. Emerald Thuja, scientifically known as Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd', is a popular evergreen shrub that can add both aesthetic appeal and exclusivity to our outdoor environment.

To ensure the best growth and development of our Emerald Thuja trees, it is recommended that these trees be placed about 3 to 4 feet apart from each other. This spacing allows each tree to receive enough sunlight while providing enough room for its branches to develop. However, by adhering to this distance rule, you provide the best possible environment for your Treevia to thrive.